For some companies, hiring remotely can be a challenge. Maybe you hired someone who is exactly as you expected and fits really well into your remote culture, but sometimes it can be the exact opposite. It might happen that an employee can’t plan their own tasks. The result of this is that deadlines aren’t met, and the work can’t be delivered on time to the client. While you expect a remote worker to be able to plan well. To create a strong remote work culture, it is good to have in mind what qualities you are looking for in an employee. To help you with this, we have listed a few behaviors and characteristics that fit well within a remote culture.
Open-minded people
Companies with remote work culture will - most likely - have people in their team from all over the world. This means that you need to search for someone that is open-minded. This is because a new employee must be able to be open-minded to other cultures, but must also be able to bring in new ideas. This way, the remote culture within your company can be constantly adapted to the needs of your employees. Someone who is open-minded is often more likely to be at ease within a company. Such behavior will help with communication between employees. An open-minded person can think about things in different ways and adjust their behavior accordingly.
Team players
Working from home does not mean that you are on your own and have to do everything on your own. You have to be willing to work as an individual but with a team. Therefore, within a remote culture, it is still important to know how to work with a team and be a team player. Good results are achieved by working together! In fact, some projects require collaboration with a group or another colleague may need help with a certain task. Your employees need to be able to communicate effectively and be open to working with others. So, to create a strong remote work culture, it is important to have employees who can communicate, listen and respect each other. This way other colleagues feel like they are being treated with respect, fairness, and appreciation.
Responsible workers
Remote work culture is different from office work. In a remote culture, employees are given a lot of freedom and are not constantly monitored. Remote workers have to complete tasks independently without constant supervision. Because your team is not in the same place, they might not interact as often as people do in an office environment. This means when hiring remotely, you need to look for someone who can work independently and who is able to take responsibility for their tasks. Planning is an important part of this. In remote culture, your employees need to outline their tasks in detail and make sure they know what steps they need to take in order to complete them on time. It also takes trust from your side to give your employee such freedom. So, an employee needs to be motivated to get to work and do their best on their tasks. This way, you create a strong remote culture together!
Willing to learn
A great thing to look for when hiring remotely is that someone is willing to learn and grow. When working in an online environment for the first time, it’s normal that there will be some mistakes made and there are skills that are not mastered yet. Your employee has to learn to use new platforms and different software. Sometimes remote workers even need additional training to gain knowledge of the company. That’s why it is good to see if your employee is willing to learn from their mistakes, because this can help them improve their work and shows that there is a lot of potential in their future. When someone can see their mistakes after trying something new, then it’s more likely that they will take the time to reflect and learn from their mistakes.
If you’re looking for more tips about hiring remotely, we suggest checking out the other career-centric content on the Teemyco blog. There are a few behaviors that are important to look for in a potential employee, such as being open-minded, being a team player, being responsible and having a will to learn new things! Companies with a strong remote work culture often have employees with most of these skills. When hiring someone remotely, look for these behaviors, and it will probably be a good match for your remote culture.